Magento 2.4.3 – Latest features

The latest Magento 2.4.3 is released on August 10, 2021. and it introduces enhancements to performance and security plus significant platform improvements.

This release includes over 370 new fixes to core code and 33 security enhancements. It includes the resolution of almost 290 GitHub issues by Magento community members. These community contributions range from minor clean-up of core code to significant enhancements in GraphQL.


Additional security enhancements

  • A new Composer plugin helps prevent dependency confusion and identifies malicious packages with the same names as internal packages on the public package repository.
  • Rate limiting is now built in to Magento APIs to prevent denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
  • ReCAPTCHA coverage has been extended


Infrastructure improvements

This release contains enhancements that improve the quality of the framework and the following functional areas:

  • Customer Account
  • Catalog
  • CMS
  • OMS
  • Import/Export
  • Promotions and Targeting
  • Cart and Checkout
  • B2B
  • Staging and Preview


Page Builder

Page Builder is now available as a bundled extension in Magento Open Source. It is now the default content editing tool for Adobe Commerce 2.4.3 and Magento Open Source 2.4.3. It can replace the WYSIWG editor with any third-party module.

Page Builder replaces the TinyMCE editor in the following Admin areas:

  • CMS Page
  • CMS Block
  • Category Description
  • Product Description

All the content created in TinyMCE has been migrated into Page Builder as HTML.

The merchants are requested to upgrade the Magento 2 stores to the latest version in order to avail these exciting features, offer a secure online shopping platform and get the competitive edge!

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